12 Curriculum Committee
Provide for on-going development of the curriculum for the nursing program.
A. Analyze nursing courses to determine:
- The nursing curriculum implements the program mission and philosophy.
- Content and learning experiences are provided for the concepts identified in the organizational framework.
- Learning Objectives are sequenced to achieve the program outcomes.
B. Review proposals for changes in the nursing courses:
- Course materials formats
- Course Description
- Course Application
- Course Objectives
- Course Content
- Clinical Performance Criteria
- Clinical Learning Objectives and Clinical Placements.
C. Generate proposals for curriculum development.
D. Present recommendations to the teaching teams and/or the nursing program faculty as indicated.
A. Faculty membership
- Number: balanced representation from each team.
- Selection: appointed at the August Division meeting.
- Term: two (2) academic years preferable.
B. Student membership
- Number: one representative from each year of the program: a. one student from beginning level or intermediate level 1 and b) one student from intermediate level 2 or advanced level
- Selection: selected by the student membership of each class.
- Term: two (2) years preferable.
A. Monthly
B. As needed