
9 Nursing Program Faculty Committees

A. Division committees include Total Faculty, Standing and Ad hoc committees.

    1. The Total Faculty Committee includes the all full-time ADN and PN faculty. Adjunct faculty are invited to attend.
    2. Standing Committees are permanently established. These committees include:
      1. Program Evaluation
      2. Curriculum
      3. Appeals
    3. Advisory Board Meeting – All faculty are invited to participate. A first-year and a second-year student will be appointed by faculty to participate. Meetings are held semi-annually.
    4. Ad hoc committees are formed to work on specific tasks and make recommendations to the Nursing Program Faculty Committee. Student representatives will be included as appropriate.

B. All full-time faculty are expected to contribute to the continuing quality improvement of the ADN Program. This includes being a contributing member of either the Program Evaluation or the Curriculum Committee.

C. All committee meetings are open to any nursing faculty and to other interested parties, with prior approval of the committee chairperson.

D. Members of standing committees are selected at the initial fall semester meeting of the Nursing Program Faculty Committee.

E. Committee proposals/actions require a majority vote of the faculty for adoption. All committee members, including student representatives, have voting privileges.

F. Each standing committee reports to the Nursing Program Faculty Committee each month.

G. Student representatives for the following committees are selected by their classmates at the beginning of each academic year:

  1. Curriculum
  2. Program Evaluation
  3. Appeals



ADN Faculty Handbook Copyright © by Amy Howland. All Rights Reserved.