
15 Program Positions

The Associate Degree Nursing Program is comprised of 11 full-time faculty members, as well as the following support and professional staff:


Associate Dean of Health Professions and Nursing/ Nurse Administrator (full-time, 12-month position): Responsible for providing leadership, management, planning, assessment, evaluation and advocacy for faculty and programs associated with the nursing and health professions programs at NIC. This position will further ensure NIC’s nursing and health professions programs are compliant with federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.

Nursing Program Coordinator: (full-time, 10.5-month position): Provides instruction and support to the students in the Associate Degree Nursing and License Practical Nursing programs. The nursing program coordinator is accountable for the day-to-day operations for both programs.

Assistant to the Dean (full time, 12-month position):

Senior Administrative Assistant for Nursing (full-time, 12-month position)Provides administrative support to the faculty and nursing director.

Learning Lab Coordinator (full-time, 9-month position):  Organizes and maintains the Learning Lab.  Collaborates with faculty to set up for student lab experiences.

Simulation Operations and Technology Coordinator: (part-time, 12-month position):  Manages the technology, scheduling and preparation for simulations for both Health Professions and Nursing.

Clinical Program Coordinator: (full-time, 12-month position): This position will collaborate with appropriate individuals in the management of all student clinical placement processes including: facilitation and maintenance of clinical agreements with healthcare facilities; managing the details of the clinical facility placement process; communication with students, faculty, and agency representatives to ensure that all facets of the clinical agency placement process are properly documented and communicated; collaboration with programs to ensure that all clinical requirements and required credentialing documents are current and meet NIC policies; additional networking and community activities to help facilitate growth; and assisting in planning, implementing, and evaluating a variety of activities and special projects affecting clinical placement.


ADN Faculty Handbook Copyright © by Amy Howland. All Rights Reserved.