
19 Workload

A.  A full-time workload for academic faculty is defined as an average fifteen (15) credit hours or equivalent per semester over the two semesters.

B.  Credit hour equivalents are the sum of the credit hours granted for the course, plus on half of the difference between the total contact hours required per week to teach the course and the credit        hours officially granted for the course.

Category  Definition Contact Hour to Credit Ratio Per Week


Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is lecture and/or discussion. Conduct of instruction is under the direction of the instructor. Two (2) additional hours of out-of-class assignments per classroom contact hour are required. One (1) credit hour is generated by each weekly contact hour.


Directed Study

Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study under the supervision of the instructor. Directed study courses are identical to courses outlined in the catalog. One (1) credit hour is generated by one (1) hour of directed study with an instructor and two (2) additional hours of required homework and/or assignments.

Applied Learning Laboratory Option 2

Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is individual or group study in a classroom, laboratory, or shop. Conduct of the instruction is under the direct supervision of the instructor. This mode includes laboratory, clinical, or workplaces where students receive hands-on learning experience that is supervised. Work is normally completed entirely in the learning environment but may also include out-of-class preparation. One (1) credit hour is generated by three weekly contact hours of lab instruction.


Work Site/Internship/ Externship

Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study or related work activity under the intermittent supervision of the instructor. This mode includes working with or under the direction of professional practitioners. The learning activity must be based on a written agreement with the participating provider. A one-hour per week seminar or discussion group activity is required. One (1) credit hour is generated by three weekly contact hours of instruction.



Independent Study

Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study under the intermittent supervision of the instructor. Independent study courses are available in most academic disciplines and course content, learning and evaluative criteria are developed primarily by the student with guidance from an instructor. One (1) credit hour is generated by three hours of independent assignments per week.


C.  A full-time faculty member is expected to spend thirty (30) hours per week on campus. For nursing faculty this number includes hours instructing in off-campus clinical labs.


D.  Each faculty member is expected to schedule five (5) office hours per week for consultation with students. Office hours are to be announced to students and posted outside the instructor’s           office.


E.  For classroom instructors it is expected that in addition to the required student contact hours, appropriate time will be spent in advance preparation, library research, college committee work,       work associated with the quality improvement of the program, curriculum planning, assisting and advising students, evaluating students, and evaluating and grading student tests, papers, and   other course work assignments.


A sample breakdown of the 30-hour week from the North Idaho College Policy Manual is as follows:

Lecture or Lab                  15 hours        (lecture/lab or other designated instruction)

Office                                  5 hours        (office hours for advising, student conferences, grading, class preparation, etc.)

Campus Time                    10 hours        (flexible campus hours for committee assignments, office work, class preparation, grading, division responsibilities, professional development)


                     TOTAL        30 hours on campus per week

F.  Faculty Schedule

At the beginning of each semester, each faculty member will post their schedule on Faculty Finder.  A hard copy will be posted outside of their office.


G.  Outside Employment

The involvement of full-time faculty or administrative staff members in personal business ventures, outside employment or college-related overload work, to the extent which would impede, diminish or interfere with professional obligations to the college employer will be deemed a breach of the full-time contract and will be considered in subsequent decisions regarding merit advancement, promotion, tenure status and/or retention.

Employment in clinical practice for nursing faculty is encouraged as a way of maintaining clinical expertise.  Such employment must meet the criteria stated above from the N.I.C. Policy Manual.  It must not “impede, diminish or interfere” with professional obligations to the program.


ADN Faculty Handbook Copyright © by Amy Howland. All Rights Reserved.