- Campus wide announcement of opening.
- Create a list of candidates
- Candidates can self- remove
- Recommend candidates be tenured (to be determined by individual divisions)
- Short list – Written and/or verbal communication of response to 3 categories: personal profile, goals/vision, and reason of interest distributed to entire division.
- Approval of short list by the appropriate Dean. If someone is removed from the list an explanation will be provided to the applicant.
- Confidential Vote (tallied by one person outside division and one person within the division)
- Voter eligibility to be determined by individual divisions (Recommend to include all stake-holders)
- Initial vote by Approval method, follow with Plurality with Run-off in case of tie
- Timely announcement by Dean
- Serve 5 years.
- At the end of the 5 year term, the Dean will attend the Division meeting and conduct a conversation with the division (without the chair present) to determine whether to hold a confidential reaffirmation vote or to engage in a full re- election process.
- If a reaffirmation vote is determined and the majority elects to retain the chair, the chair will be granted an additional 5-year term.
- If a full re-election process is decided upon then the chair can run for re-election.
- If a DC is not reaffirmed or re- elected, DCs will return to the position they had at the advent of their term
- See Policy 3.09
- Newly hired supervisors will be evaluated each year for the first two years; thereafter, each supervisor will be evaluated every two years.
- It is recommended that all division members should have the opportunity to evaluate their chair. Evaluators shall be a reasonable representation of the division.
- Evaluation of a DC will be a completely separate process from evaluating the DC as a faculty member.
- A poor evaluation of a DC by their division or a Dean/VP will result in the implementation of the Performance Improvement Plan through HR.
- All divisions should have the opportunity for an assistant division chair.
- Divisions will create their own guidelines for selecting an Assistant Division Chair.
- These guidelines will be filed with the Office of Instruction.
- Assistants will serve a 3-year term
- Reasons to include but not limited to: workload balance, training for possible new, chairs, upward mobility exploration (Administrative experience), leadership development, increased roads of communication, broadening of knowledge, increases the pool of possible chairs and increases campus perspectives for more individuals.
- Divisions should be encouraged to have a system for rotating their assistants so that all interested parties may participate.
- By outgoing division chair.
- By other division chairs.
- By appropriate dean.
- Through classes by HR
- By attending the Chair Academy.
- Through literature. (i.e. Journal of Division Chairs)
- By visiting other division chairs when possible