
45 Faculty Issues

Knowing how to address and manage faculty issues is a critical aspect of being a division chair.

Policies and Procedures

NIC has several policies and procedures for addressing faculty issues. Please familiarize yourself with them.

3.02.07 – Resignations, Layoffs, and Dismissals

3.02.23 – Grievances (utilized when there is a perceived violation of written college policy and procedure) – Conflict Resolution/ Mediation Process (utilized when there are interpersonal conflicts, differences of opinion, or other disagreements that can be resolved with assistance from an uninvolved party acting as mediator).

3.02.30 – Remediation of Tenured Faculty

3.02.31– Suspension of Tenured Faculty

3.02.32 – Termination of Tenured Faculty for Cause

Professional Development Resources:

Here are two articles that may be of interest: Dealing with Difficult Faculty: A Combination of Prevention and Thoughtful Action and The Art of CYA: Documentation for Department Chairs

In addition, the Molstead Library has this resource for chairs that specifically addresses

Letting someone go– — Mentoring challenges and opportunities for departments — Helping faculty members sharpen their focus — Coaching faculty members to increase productivity — Promoting a more collegial department — Coping with passive-aggressive behavior — Resolving chronic complaints — Addressing staff conflicts — Overcoming conflicts


North Idaho College Molstead Library

The Essential Department Chair: A Comprehensive Desk Reference

Jeffrey L. Buller

Available , General Collection ; LB2341 .B744 2012

Human Resources (Melanie) and your Dean can help guide you in resolving faculty issues. Don’t hesitate to reach out even, if the issue seems small. It’s easier to address things before they become a larger problem.


Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.