
4 Calendar of Responsibilities

This is not a comprehensive list of all chair responsibilities. It is a reference of cyclical activities. Sr. Administrative Assistants often assist with these activities in coordination with the chair.


New budget year begins

Interview and hire adjunct faculty for fall

4 weeks prior to fall semester start: review courses with 4 students or less and post rationales in Box folder

3 weeks prior to fall semester start: review courses with 7 students or less and post rationales in Box folder

Check faculty loads for fall semester


2 Wednesdays before full term fall classes start: determine which sections need to run with low enrollment and which to cancel. Post rationales in Box folder

Make sure new faculty for fall have paperwork in system (order keys, computer, phone, etc.)

Schedule division meetings for the year and hold August Division meeting

Notify Tenure Renewal Faculty that will be evaluated this year

Proposed faculty contract modifications (reassigned time forms) due to dean

Communicate Convocation Week activities

Prepare list of courses for course evaluations and send to Office of Instruction per instructions

Schedules for spring semester due

Review faculty calendars to ensure faculty are meeting expectations per policy:

15 teaching hours, 5 office hours, 5 campus hours, and 5 office/campus hours= 30 on campus hours

Review faculty syllabi to ensure they are complete and meet expectations

Check program review rotation schedule and notify faculty


Complete all LOA’s

Engage faculty in curriculum council changes for the next year’s catalog. GEM courses due in October and non-gem courses due in November.

Schedule initial program review planning meeting with faculty and sr. administrative assistant

Report faculty Committee assignments to the Dean


Due date for GEM curriculum council proposals to allow for GEM Council

Cycle 2 PD Fund deadline

Approve first year tenure candidates FET members


Final round of Curriculum Council forms for next academic year catalog due to dean and Office of Instruction

Summer and Fall schedule section entry opens

Submit formal evaluation and recommendation for 4th year tenure candidates


4 weeks prior to spring semester start: review courses with 4 students or less and post rationales in Box folder

3 weeks prior to spring semester start: review courses with 7 students or less and post rationales in Box folder

Interview and hire adjunct faculty for spring

Schedules for summer and fall due

Check faculty loads for spring semester

Meet with 4th year tenure candidates


2 Wednesdays before full term spring classes start: determine which sections need to run with low enrollment and which to cancel. Post rationales in Box folder

Make sure new faculty for spring have paperwork in system (order keys, computer, phone, etc.)

Communicate Convocation Week activities

Prepare list of courses for course evaluations and send to office of Instruction per instructions

Proposed faculty contract modifications (reassigned time form) for spring semester due to dean

Check Syllabi

Expect budget planning assumptions from the Office of Finance and Business and prepare next year’s budget submission.


Complete all LOA’s

Tenure Renewal and Special Appointment faculty: Complete all course observations for faculty (due March 1st). Part-time/adjunct faculty course observations are ongoing.


Write and submit summative evaluation report for tenure renewal candidates and special appointment faculty and meet with the faculty to discuss the evaluation documents.

Observation of tenure track faculty


Deadline for furniture purchases

Prepare spring schedule for section entry

Tenure Renewal and Special Appointment Faculty: Submit summative evaluation report, faculty’s self-report, and course observation to the Provost’s Office.

Cycle 1 PD fund deadline

Submit move to Professor applications


Deadline for PO’s, payment requests, and travel authorization forms

Send part-time/adjunct faculty course observations to the Provost’s Office

Ensure program review documents are complete and uploaded to Box

Cancel summer low enrolled courses


All purchase for this fiscal year must be received. Travel reimbursements for this fiscal year must be submitted.

Monitor fall enrollments and add sections/raise caps as needed

Monitor email


Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.