
40 Tenure

What is Tenure?

According to North Idaho College Policy #3.02.09 (revised fall 2014), the purpose of tenure is:

“To protect Academic Freedom, recognized by North Idaho College in policy as the cornerstone of the educational process, and to recognize faculty members who have demonstrated effective teaching and academic preparation, effective performance of contractual responsibilities, continued professional growth, adherence to a professional code of conduct, and service in accordance with criteria established by the board of trustees…

Through tenure, NIC seeks to attract, select and retain faculty members whose competence, qualifications, educational philosophy, dedication to their students and commitment to the profession best complement the educational mission of the department, the institution and the discipline(s), thereby serving the broader interests of society…”

The Tenure Track Timeline checklist below highlights deadlines for division chairs.

4 Year Probationary Tenure Track Timeline(unofficial)

Candidate: _______________________

Year 1

Who Initiates





1st week of October

Submit FET Members to DC

Division Chair

October 15

Approve FET Members


3rd week of October

Submit FET Committee to Tenure Committee

Years 1 – 3



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3







April 1

FET Observation

1st week of March

DC Observation

1st week of April

Self – Evaluation (cumulative in Year 3)

3rd week of April

Team Meeting

1st week of May

Formative Evaluation (summative in Year 3)

1st week of June


Year 4

Who Initiates




Each FET Member

1st week of October

Review Cumulative Packet

Each FET Member

1st week of October

Forward Copies of third-year summative evaluation to Candidate and Division Chair

Each FET Member

1st week of October

Forward a formal recommendation for or against the conferral of tenure, with supporting reasoning

Division Chair

2nd week of November

Review the Candidate’s self-evaluation, student evaluations, and FET evaluations

Division Chair

2nd week of November

Submit a formal evaluation of the candidate’s qualification for tenure based on duties outlined in the Teaching Focus Policy

Division Chair

2nd week of November

Submit a formal recommendation for or against conferral of tenure

Division Chair

1st week of December

Meet with Candidate to discuss formal evaluation and recommendation


2nd week of December

Collate and forward to the Tenure Committee a tenure portfolio including copies of all FET and DC formative observation reports for the entire probationary period, all student evaluations, all FET and DC summative evaluation, all formal recommendations for or against conferral of tenure, and the cumulative written self-evaluation

Tenure Committee

2nd week of February

Submit its written recommendation for or against tenure to the candidate, DC, VPI, and president


Last week of March

Submit recommendation for or against tenure to the president


2nd week of April

Complete recommendation for or against tenure.


Last week of April

Notify candidates in writing of the BOT decision


Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.