
33 Course Fees

The guidelines for course fee preparation as well as the templates, are sent to chairs based on what was submitted the previous year.  Below is a rough timeline on updating the course fees to be included in the budget.  Please work with your faculty on the process to update the course fees before the deadlines sent from the business office.

Early March:  Departments provided course fee guidelines and templates
March:    Faculty and division chair completion of course fee requests

The academic department or program seeking to implement or change a course fee will prepare a written justification (using the provided template) of the proposed fee along with a budget for the use of the funds collected.

The justification is only required for new fees or revisions to existing fees, such as changes in the fee amount or for changes to purchased items. Existing course fees will be rolled forward for a total of 3 years before the fee will require re-approval to continue use.

Late March: Completed course fee requests submitted to Dean for review and approval
Early April: Dean reviewed and approved course fee requests submitted to Provost for review and approval

The Provost shall consider both the fiscal and pedagogical aspects of the fee proposal.

April: Provost approved course fees submitted to Office of Finance to be included in the Board book



Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.