
44 Professional Development

NIC is committed to the professional development of the employees who carry out the mission of the college. To that end, the college has put in place funding assistance programs that are designed to help our employees meet and exceed their professional development goals. Encouraging and support our employees’ professional development allows NIC to continue to provide a high level of service and quality programs to the communities we serve.


These funding assistance programs are available only to employees who have been employed in a benefit-eligible position continuously for at least one year.  Professional Development (PD) funding is managed by Human Resources.

Human Resources PD Funds Information and application


The Office of Instruction manages Professional Development Plans.  Personnel eligible for Professional Development Plans (PDP) are eligible to submit a PDP after 30 days of employment, under full-time faculty contract or under part-time faculty contract at 60% of full-time or more.  Faculty members are required to have an approved PDP on file before earning Professional Development Units (PDU).  For eligible activities, guidelines for General Professional Development, an explanation on how to earn PDU’s and how column movement works, please review Policy 3.02.20  and  Procedure 3.02.20.

While it is the responsibility of the faculty member to ensure documents are complete before submitting to the Division Chair,  Division Chairs are responsible for ensuring the PDU form is filled out correctly and the supporting documentation is present prior to routing the document to the Dean for approval and signature.

Instructions and forms for PDP and PDU:

Professional Development Plan Instructions PDP Fillable Form :  PDP Funding Request

Faculty PDU Instructions PDU Fillable Form


Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.