
17 Scheduling

Division Chairs are responsible for determining the course offerings in their division. Course offerings should be based on historical analysis of multiple semesters as well as projected enrollment increases or decreases. Multi section courses such as GEM courses should be spread throughout the common start times to provide a variety of options for students. Low enrolled courses that are program specific should be evaluated for a rotation such as every other spring semester. Chairs should determine the correct number of seats, sections, times, and modalities and then work with faculty to assign sections. Note: Veteran students frequently need courses with face to face components. Be cautious of scheduling everything fully online.

Tip: In multi-faculty programs, create a process for course scheduling. Is scheduling done by seniority or some other method? Make sure all faculty in that department understand how course scheduling is handled to avoid conflict.


Division Chair Handbook Copyright © by Amber Hasz and Sherry Simkins. All Rights Reserved.