46 Special Appointment to Probationary Tenure Track
Guidelines for Request of Special Appointment to Probationary Tenure Track position:
Request for a change in a position from Special Appointment to Probationary Tenure Track is based on evidence of fulfillment of all contractual obligations, including job description, faculty contract, Faculty Evaluation Policy 3.02.21, and Teaching Focus Policy 3.02.34.
Consideration for position changes include documentation of:
- 1) Sufficient enrollment* demand for 30 credit equivalents minimum per year, based on data from the past three years to sustain a full time faculty member to deliver the curriculum.
- 2) The same data threshold as number 1 above is needed to support each additional faculty member.
- 3) Any required duties to serve the program (accreditation requirements, administrative duties directly related to the program, or other such assignments essential to program delivery, or to achievement of program outcomes) that contribute to the position being at least 100% of the minimum faculty capacity to deliver the program.
- 4) New programs (those with less than a three-year history of enrollment) must address number 3 above (required duties) to establish sustainability. The budgetary justification for the new program should accompany these requests.
The process includes:
- 1) All requests are to be in writing by the first Monday of April through the appropriate director or division chair to the reporting dean.
- 2) The dean must endorse the request for consideration of the Vice President for Instruction who will make a recommendation to the President.
- 3) Response will be provided in writing to all requests that reach the Vice President, typically within one month of submission.
- 4) Provisions of resubmission of these requests in the following academic year, following steps 1-3 above.
Any approved changes in Special Appointments to Probationary Tenure Track will then follow existing policy and procedure at the college of the steps to be considered for tenure.
*Sufficient enrollment will vary by program, but the case should be made based on known parameters as appropriate (for example, accreditation student/faculty ratios, program capacity as may be bounded by existing facilities, data on FTEF/FTEF ratios, or other data points as most relevant to the request.)