21 Does the program utilize high impact practices?
Yes. From the list of designated HIPs below, all history courses implement aspects of high impact practices. Survey History courses require students to engage in undergraduate research and the program includes HIST-290 which is a capstone course. Though none of the History courses are designated writing intensive, all require multiple writing activities during each semester, which range from research papers to discussion posts, and essay exams. History 290, the required methods course, is based on a major research paper that students work on in stages throughout the semester, while working through the historiographical assignments in conjunction with the stages of the research paper.
High-Impact Practice examples:
High-Impact Practices | AAC&U (aacu.org)
- Capstone Courses and Projects
- Collaborative Assignments and Projects
- Common Intellectual Experiences
- Diversity/Global Learning
- ePortfolios
- First-Year Seminars and Experiences
- Internships
- Learning Communities
- Service Learning, Community-Based Learning
- Undergraduate Research
- Writing-Intensive Courses