27 Program-level Assessment Methods, Results, and Interpretation:
Describe how program student learning outcomes are assessed.
Most students taking history courses are doing so to meet GEM 6 requirements. For those students selecting history as an emphasis area, the primary concern is adequately preparing them in lower division history classes for their transfer into a four-year history program. To that end, program review is a good mechanism for assuring that the college is offering the right history courses and content.
Based on the program assessment data, what learning improvements have you made?
Program-level assessment and tracking is only in the pilot stage since last spring; therefore, there is no assessment data, which in turn means there learning improvements cannot be based on the macro level of assessment. While there is no current program –level, course assessments will eventually be linked to program assessment. The current means of program assessment is to use course outcomes, reinforced by GEM learning outcomes to determine where the History Program can be strengthened. Currently, course outcomes are assessed through a variety of means, including tests, quizzes, end of semester essays, research papers, and group projects (HIST 290). These outcomes are linked to the five GEM 6 competencies for those history courses that satisfy the GEM 6 ways of learning. In addition, as this is an associate’s degree transfer program, determining the number of students completing a history emphasis as part of their pathway to earning an associate’s degree, serves as another means of program assessment. Since the 2018 Program Review, 17 students have completed and AA or AS in history, and 9 of those have matriculated onto a four-year institution.
We have begun the task of assessing GEM 6 competencies, collecting assessments, and discussing “signature” assignments for the collection of evidence indicating that course outcomes and GEM 6 competencies are being met. It is expected that this process will lead to the improvement of assessments with clear links to outcomes and competencies. All faculty teaching GEM 6 courses are involved in this process, with an eye on continuous quality improvement.