
6 North Idaho College General Education Framework

North Idaho College has a proud heritage of seeking to provide all students with learning experiences to build the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for productive and meaningful lives and 38 Program Offerings to be contributing members of society. The college framework for general education adopts the principles and requirements outlined in Idaho’s Statewide General Education (Policy III N). NIC’s faculty met with colleagues from across the disciplines at each of the two- and four-year public higher education institutions in Idaho to write competencies in six areas of general education. The courses listed in the following pages represent the thoughtfully considered review by faculty of the content and learning outcomes for general education at NIC. These are:

  • Written and Oral Communication: Students will express themselves effectively, in both written and oral forms, to varied audiences to serve diverse purposes.
  • Mathematical Ways of Knowing: Students will use appropriate mathematical principles and practices to interpret mathematical concepts, execute and explain appropriate strategies, and draw conclusions.
  • Scientific Ways of Knowing: Students will apply scientific reasoning to various discipline related questions in the field and use laboratory practices appropriately for study, analysis and replication of key principles.
  • Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing: Students will describe and interpret how a variety of humanistic and artistic forms, reflect, shape, and influence the human condition.
  • Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing: Students will use social science reasoning to inquire, collect relevant information, and develop insights on individual, social, community, regional, national, and/or global issues.

In addition, NIC has established requirements for competencies in:

Integrative Inquiry and Wellness: Students will demonstrate self-awareness, apply integrative learning, and develop commitment toward educational and life goals. These competencies and outcomes are the basis for assessing our general education program. Together with the programs we offer, general education at NIC reflects the college’s commitment to preparing citizens in the 21st century. NIC students will thereby have the benefit of an education that is shaped by our mission and values as a comprehensive community college.


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