
13.6: Summary and Review


In this chapter, we discussed why organizational relationships are particularly salient and explored the types of workplace relationships that you will encounter during your career. It is important for you to learn how to navigate relationships such as friendships, romantic relationships, and relationships with your peers and supervisors in a communicatively competent way, so that you can build trust and demonstrate your abilities in order to be successful at work.

We also introduced you to some of the different types of boundaries you need to be aware of as you interact with others in the workplace. It is important to be aware of what is considered sexual harassment and how biases such as gender bias may operate and influence the perceptions that others have of you.

Finally, when we think about communicating at work, we need to understand that communicating professionally is of utmost importance. We have to develop our skills in communicating ethically across all contexts and relationships and in using language appropriately for the different communication modalities we find ourselves in. We also have to make sure that we take personal responsibility when communicating with others so that we are seen as trustworthy and competent in the workplace. By demonstrating our communication competence in the workplace, we can find opportunities for personal growth and success.


Discussion Questions

  1. What workplace relationships do you find to be the most challenging to initiate and maintain?
  2. Which types of workplace relationships do you find to be easiest to maintain?
  3. To what extent have you ever been on the receiving end of experiencing sexual harassment or other biases? How did you respond?
  4. What is the most important skill that you want to practice when it comes to communicating professionally?