
Appendix D: Sample Demographic Analysis

Please—no names!

Directions: Circle the appropriate answers.

Enrollment:   Full-time student       Part-time student

Type:  Transfer/General Studies   Professional-Technical   Dual Credit

Major:  General Studies  Business    Education    Communication

Pre-Medical-Related  Psychology     Other:______________

  1. Age:
    1. 19 and younger
    2. 20–24
    3. 25–39
    4. 40 and older
  2. Sex:
    1. Female
    2. Male
  3. Marital status:
    1. single
    2. committed relationship
    3. married
    4. separated
    5. divorced
    6. widowed
  4. Number of Children:
    1. no children
    2. one child
    3. more than one child
  5. Religious preference:
    1. Atheist/Agnostic
    2. Christian
    3. Jewish
    4. Muslim
    5. Buddhist
    6. Other:___________
  6. Political Affiliation:
    1. Democrat
    2. Republican
    3. Independent
    4. Supporter of a third party (Libertarian, Green, Socialist, etc.)
    5. Non-Political
  7. Personal/family income:
    1. $10,000 or below
    2. $10,001–15,000
    3. $15,001–30,000
    4. $30,001–60,000
    5. over $60,000
  8. I am from:
    1. the country
    2. a small town
    3. a medium-sized town
    4. a city
    5. a big city
  9. My financial support mainly comes from (circle all that apply):
    1. parents, spouse, or other family member
    2. full-time job
    3. part-time or summer job
    4. savings
    5. scholarships/grants/loans
  10. I currently live:
    1. at home with parents/family
    2. in a rental room/apartment/house
    3. in the residence hall
    4. in a home I own
    5. Other:_____________