Visualization Step

The final main point within the body of the speech, the Visualization step, attempts to motivate others to act on a specific issue. Its purpose to help the audience “see” the amazing benefits they can expect to enjoy if they apply the solution to the problem or the satisfaction to the need does not mean that the message must remain positive and rosy. Some topics will require adopting a negative approach by outlining undesirable consequences arising as the result of ignoring the proposed solution. The best persuaders understand that negative emotional appeals here act fast, meaning that people may easily get scared into immediate action, but such gains are short-lived, while positive emotional appeal takes longer to manifest but tends to last considerably longer.
Note to Self
In this step, use colorful, rich, descriptive language. Also consider saving some of the most prominent visual aids to use here as well. The Visualization step becomes most persuasive when the benefits appear so tantalizing the audience simply cannot imagine life without them. Conversely, this step could persuade audiences if the consequences seem terrifying or off-putting enough to make them adapt the proposed solution without hesitation. Think of this step of the speech as the “What’s in it for me?” stage. By this point in the speech, the speaker has successfully presented a stark need and demonstrated to the audience how to satisfy that need, so now, the time has come to show them what they can expect to happen once they enact the solution, or what can happen if they continue allowing the need or problem to persist and worsen. Consider using a lot of vivid imagery, as well as “what ifs” in this step. Engage the audience’s imagination and help them picture themselves applying the solutions.
Take a look at this final main point using the sample speech topic:
Visualization Step
- The benefits of putting your phone away while driving go beyond staying safe, as you will be able to feel free from distraction and worry.
- You won’t need to worry about your phone dinging every few seconds and feeling pressured to respond immediately.
- You will feel responsible and alert, as a properly defensive driver should feel.
- If you choose not to put your phone away, however, understand that nearly two million auto accidents a year are caused by texting and driving. Text messaging while driving puts you at a 23% higher risk of getting into a serious crash.