Chapter 5 Summary

Speakers ultimately have an ethical and moral responsibility to both their basic message as well as to their audience to use credible and accurate information in the presentation of their messages. Supporting one’s message with information in this fashion begins with critically evaluating the sources, followed by critical evaluation of the information itself. As the speaker delivers the message, alert the audience that outside sources have contributed that information, but furthermore, the audience must also know why they should perceive those sources as credible authorities on said information. By following these practices, speakers build credibility and believability among their audiences, lending to the desired goal of making the message memorably understood as originally intended, thereby fulfilling the general and specific purposes of their speech. Additionally, these practices help eliminate the scourge of plagiarism by encouraging ethical communication practices. Learning to research critically, evaluate information carefully, and communicate it clearly results in the creation of innovative, original thought, but also provides for the dissemination of ideas among others. For more information, please see Appendix H for the “CRAAP Test,” a handy guide to evaluating information for use in academics (and life).