Persuasive Strategy
The following example below showcases a semantic differential scale, which might not look like much, but serves as a useful tool for a persuasive speaker:
The numbers represent levels of agreement, with strongly disagree (–3) at one end, neutral (0) in the middle, and strongly agree (+3) at the opposite end. When designing audience analysis questions, use something similar to this to determine what attitude the audience currently holds regarding the topic. An example question may look like this:
Climate change is a scientific certainty (circle one):
Strongly Disagree (-3) Disagree (-2) Somewhat Disagree (-1) Neutral (0) Somewhat Agree (+1) Agree (+2) Strongly Agree (+3)
After collecting the completed audience surveys, simply add up the total responses for each segment along the scale. Then, divide each result by the total participants in the survey to find out the percentages for each one. From there, use this information to determine the best strategy to present the message.
Strongly Opposed (–3)
For an audience that (unfortunately) registers toward the strongly opposed side of the semantic differential scale, try to create uncertainty in their minds. At this point, accept that, no matter how effectively the message gets delivered, the audience may be too firmly entrenched in their beliefs to convince them to act upon something related to the topic. Think realistically and only attempt to create an element of uncertainty. Plant a seed for the future that may one day grow into a full-fledged idea. Provide the audience with information that will sway them to adopt the viewpoint.

Moderately Opposed (–2)
For audiences not entirely opposed to the idea, first seek to create uncertainty in their opposition, as above, but then follow that up with attempts to reduce resistance to the proposed topic. Spend energy on refuting objections.

Neutral or Weak Opinions (–1, 0, +1)
For relatively unknown topics, the audience may end up somewhere along the midpoint of the semantic differential scale, having either neutral/no opinions, or they may slightly lean to one side or the other. In such cases, ignore the previous two strategies and begin striving for actual changes in attitude and behavior. Simply put, if the audience has no opinion, the speaker can provide them with information leading to opinion shift resulting in behavioral or attitude change. Spend energy on explaining the problem.

Moderately Favorable (+2)
Public speaking starts getting more fun when dealing with audiences that register on the positive end of the scale. When an audience already holds a moderately favorable attitude toward the presented material, then all the speaker needs to do is amplify their attitudes. Focus on showing the audience why the solution provided offers the most desirable outcome. Use inspiration to craft a masterful message.

Highly Favorable (+3)
The ideal setting for a public speaker as the speech resembles the proverbial “pep rally.” At this point, the audience is ready to commit to action, so it is merely a matter of capitalizing on those attitudes to gain behavior or action. As with the previous step, begin by amplifying attitudes before connecting those attitudes to the desirable action they need to take.

Knowing these strategies in advance help speakers devise a suitable message for a particular audience, whatever its current beliefs may be. Approaching a strongly opposed audience overconfidently and seeking to get them to commit to action is doomed from the beginning. Likewise, approaching a strongly favorable audience sheepishly and attempting to reduce their resistance to the idea will quickly lose their attention. Match the level of persuasive approach to the level of audience agreement. Refer to Table 11.1.
Strongly Opposed | Plant the Seed. Provide information. |
Moderately Opposed | Refute objections. |
Neutral or Uninformed | Explain the issue. |
Moderately Favorable | Show why your solution is most desirable. |
Highly Favorable | Get the audience to take action. |