Satisfaction Step

Next comes the Satisfaction step, the second main point within the body of the motivational speech designed to elicit audience action. Here the speaker attempts to satisfy the need or solve the problem presented in the previous step. Demonstrate that the solution fully and adequately addresses that need or problem for every aspect of the problem or need that the speaker has presented up to this point.
Note to Self
Avoid presenting a problem or a need that is larger than the solution can fulfill. Ensure that the Need step and the Satisfaction step complement one another perfectly.
Speakers should prepare themselves to address potential objections during this step. As with the eight preparation questions discussed at the beginning of this chapter, think of all the hurdles or barriers that might prevent audience members from adopting the proposed solution to the problem. Then, consider the best way to address and refute those objections before they have a chance to take root in the audience’s minds.
Overcome objections by looking at the number of steps involved in enacting the solution. Think of the solution as a transaction, and find ways to make that transaction as easy and straightforward as possible.

For example, if a speaker wanted the audience to write letters to their senators and representatives, think of how this person could reduce the number of steps involved. To write such a letter, one must: 1) find the time to sit down and write; 2) compose the letter; 3) print the letter; 4) look up the address; 5) find an envelope; 6) address the envelope; 7) locate a stamp; 8) seal the envelope; and 9) drop it in the mailbox. Regardless of the speech’s impact, audience members may stop trying at any of these nine steps due to the many distractions life can manifest. To reduce these specific steps, the speaker could prewrite the letters for them, place them in preaddressed, stamped envelopes, hand them out to each audience member, and then instruct them to sign them and drop the envelopes in the mailbox after the speech.
Take a look back at the sample speech, and see how the Satisfaction step plays out:
Satisfaction Step
- The first step in reducing and eliminating texting and driving is to increase your awareness of how much your phone’s notification system controls you, and not the other way around.
- One way to do this is to instruct a partner to ride with you as a passenger and record the number of times you give in to the temptation of glancing at your phone.
- Another method involves the psychological technique of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), where you shut off your phone completely when you get into the car, and as you drive, regularly assess your anxiety levels out loud. For example, every mile or so, talk your way through the anxiety or discomfort you experience as you wonder what you might be missing.
Note: This half of the Satisfaction step directly addresses the first half of the Need step, employing highly specific and guided actions to address the problem the speaker previously established.
- To stop texting and driving, we need to cut it off at the source, which involves shutting off our phones whenever we start our cars.
- In addition to shutting them off, I recommend putting them away in the trunk or glove compartment so that they are completely out of sight.
- If you have the option available to you, you could pair your phone with a compatible Bluetooth hands-free system before putting it out of sight.
- Being out of sight significantly reduces the temptation to use a phone while driving, as you will not be able to physically get to it.
- If you find yourself feeling the effects of “nomophobia” (the fear of being without your phone), simply remind yourself that anything anyone has to say to you can wait, as it is not worth your life, your safety, or the well-being of others around you.
Note: This half of the Satisfaction step addresses the second half of the Need step by providing a concrete solution to the dangers presented earlier, but additionally, it acknowledges and addresses the potential objections (barriers) the speaker identified in the eight preparation questions at the beginning of the chapter.