Specific Purpose and Persuasion
Before diving too deeply into persuasion theory (which is regularly offered as a full semester-long college course in communication studies), this chapter will examine the different types of specific purposes available to choose from within the domain of persuasion.
Speech to influence belief or attitude: In this type of speech, the speaker attempts to win over audience members to adopt a thought, attitude, or belief.

Speech to influence behavior: This type of speech uses the elements of persuasive speaking to inspire the audience to participate in some action as a result. Using the prior example, if the speaker wanted to convince the audience that, not only is climate change a real phenomenon, but that they should begin carpooling to help curb carbon emissions, then the speaker has spoken to influence behavior. This type of speech sometimes gets referred to as a speech to motivate to action.
Regardless of the speech’s specific purpose, get to know the audience before preparing a persuasive presentation. Failure to gather knowledge about the audience diminishes the speech’s chances to successfully persuade. With persuasion, learning information about the audience become even more critically important, for an audience will not change their minds, take action, or become inspired if the speaker knows nothing about their existing attitudes, opinions, values, or beliefs. Start with an audience analysis, but this time, focus on gathering attitudes, opinions, values, and beliefs with respect to the chosen topic. Use this information to formulate a strategy for the speech.
Note to Self