

Josh Misner would like to thank the following individuals, whose insightful and thorough peer review proved invaluable and immensely helpful in the creation of the 2nd edition of this textbook, which this edition used as its primary source:

Scott Behson, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, Fairleigh-Dickinson University

Craig Fischer, M.A.
Adjunct Instructor, Whitworth University

Lisa Power, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing, Saint Martin’s University

S. Mitchell Walker, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Leadership, National University

Levy Zamora, M.A.
Communication Instructor, De Anza College


Geoff Carr would like to thank the following for their contributions, feedback, and assistance in compiling this edition:

Theresa Huff, M.Ed.
Ashley Lockman, M.A.
Elizabeth Whiting, Ph.D.
Audry Bourne, M.A., M.S.
Lee Wallace, M.A.

Cover image designed by NIC student Megan Hudlet