63 NIC’s Strategic Plan (Academic Master Plan, Information Technology Master Plan, Strategic Enrollment Managemnet Plan, and Facilities Master Plan)

 NEW Strategic Plan Underway 2025-2030

North Idaho College is engaging in the development of a new 5-year strategic plan that will go into effect Fall 2025. To aid in the development of the plan, the college has partnered with the Collaborative Brain Trust, a national firm that has been serving community college and universities across the United States since 2008 and specializes in strategic planning.

Project Overview and Update

Two Parts

  • Project Part A: November 2023 – April 2024

           • Strategic Plan Goals

  • Project Part B: April 2024 – October 2024
    • Institution-wide Objectives
    • Implementation Action Plan

Three Development Phases

  • Phase I Discovery: Data Collection; Analysis; Synthesis
  • Phase II Portfolio Development & Planning Assumptions
  • Phase III  Goal-Setting and Recommendations

Current Strategic Plans 2020-2025

The Strategic Plan and the Accreditation Core Themes at NIC are intentionally integrated. In the fall of 2013, NIC reevaluated the original Accreditation core themes – Student Success, Educational Excellence, and Community Engagement – and subsequently adopted the five Strategic Plan values as its core themes: Student Success, Educational Excellence, Community Engagement, Stewardship, and Diversity.

In the fall of 2016, a diverse group of leaders were assembled to establish a process for integrated planning at North Idaho College. This group was tasked with building a foundation for planning and executing several initiatives to prepare the institution for an update to the strategic plan. The initial campus input and direction determination was branded “Cultivate NIC.” The Cultivate Planning Team remains on-call in an advisory capacity.

In the meantime, campus leaders created master plans for key areas of the institution, resulting in the Academic Master Plan, Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, Information Technology Master Plan, and Facilities Master Plan.

In the summer of 2018, a subcommittee of the Cultivate planning team reviewed the SWOT analysis and Environmental Scan to inform the creation of a framework for an Integrated Strategic Plan. This framework connects to the college’s Core Themes, provides for alignment among and with the various master plans, and allows for direction when determining new action items within the categories. Implementation Teams are charged with identifying and assessing potential action items within the framework.  The Board of Trustees voted to endorse changes to the Integrated Strategic Plan on January 15, 2020.

North Idaho College Integrated Planning

North Idaho College Master Plans

Idaho State Board of Education Strategic Plan

NIC Submission FY2024

This strategic plan is required for submission to the Idaho State Board of Education and aligns with the State Board’s Strategic objectives.


2024/25 Faculty Handbook - North Idaho College Copyright © 2022 by alhasz. All Rights Reserved.

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