
42 Campus Security

NIC security officers provide building and grounds security 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Office hours are 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Friday. Campus Security is located at 703 Military Drive.

(208) 769-3310
Campus Phone: 3310
Emergencies: 911


New! Be Ready Information


This information is provided to you as part of North Idaho College’s commitment to safety and security and in compliance with the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.

Creating and maintaining a healthy and safe campus environment requires the cooperation and involvement of everyone. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors must assume responsibility for their personal health and safety and the security of their personal belongings. Our institution is safer than most places, but it’s not crime free. Theft, assaults, and other violations of the law sometimes occur at North Idaho College. A truly safe campus can be achieved only through awareness, shared knowledge, and the cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff.

The personal safety and security of students, staff, and visitors and the protection of property are high priorities at North Idaho College.

Student Services is the administrative unit responsible for campus security, security policies and procedures, and campus security officers. Officers are professionally trained in public safety methods and provide proactive patrol of the campus on foot, by car, and bicycle. Their authority is limited to the geographical boundaries of NIC’s properties including land, structures, streets, and parking facilities.

NIC security officers are equipped with Taser electronic controlled weapons. To carry these non-lethal weapons, officers complete training through the Coeur d’Alene Police Department, Spokane County Sheriff’s Dept. and/or by certified instructors with Campus Security. Even though security officers are not sworn peace officers, they are authorized to make citizen’s arrests when necessary, as granted by Idaho Statute 19-604 and are responsible for enforcement of college rules and regulations and applicable federal, state, city, and county laws and ordinances on all college properties.

North Idaho College in addition to security officers provides a School Resource Officer (SRO) on the staff. The SRO can be contacted by calling (208) 769-3310. The SRO is an armed member of the Coeur d’Alene Police Dept. who is assigned to NIC and is a sworn law enforcement officer. The NIC SRO can investigate crimes that not only occur on the campus, but also the public areas adjacent to the campus, as well as crimes that have both an off and on campus component (stalking, domestic/dating violence, hate crimes, etc.)

Campus Security works closely with the Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Rathdrum Police and Kootenai Co. Sheriff’s Office to assist in safeguarding the campus communities. City and County law enforcement officers patrol the public streets on campus and adjoining area.

NIC Campus Security is a participating member of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement. In addition, campus security coordinates various safety and security programs and is responsible for preparation and distribution of the Annual Safety and Security Report.



Reporting Criminal Actions or Emergencies

If you observe anything suspicious, sense a potential threat or become the victim of a crime, dial 911 from a campus phone to access the Kootenai County 911 system, or use one of the outdoor emergency phones for direct contact to Campus Safety. Any emergency or possible criminal action can be reported directly by any student, staff or faculty member. Call quickly and do not assume someone else called. When using a cell phone to call 911, inform Campus Security separately, after placing the call. Emergencies, day or night, should be reported to the Campus Security Office whenever possible. Security personnel can respond and initiate whatever action is necessary, including the notification of specific emergency services (police, fire, ambulance). Security officers will follow up on reports and take action as appropriate, including writing an incident report to document the circumstances.


Crime Reporting and Notification

Efforts are made to advise the campus community on a timely basis about campus crime and crime-related problems. When circumstances warrant, special printed alerts are prepared and distributed, either selectively or throughout campus. When criminal activity occurs which represents a threat to students and staff, the College will report this activity in one or more of the following methods: Campus or local media, alerts to classes in session, notification to department heads, telephone, email, messenger or bulletin board flyers. The kind of notification to be utilized and the time of notification will be dictated by the seriousness of the situation.

Reports and Manuals

The Student-Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

Congress enacted The Student-Right-To- Know and Campus Security Act in 1990 as Public Law 101-542. It came about through the efforts of several families whose children were murdered on college campuses in the late 1980s. This law requires institutions of higher education which participate in federal programs to publish campus security information and crime statistics. At a minimum, this information is to include statistics for six crime categories for the three most recent calendar years, three arrest categories for the most recent years, and statements of security policies. The law was most recently amended in 2000 to require colleges in 2003 to notify the campus community as to where public “Meagan’s Law” information about registered sex offenders on campus could be obtained. This information may be obtained at http://www.isp.idaho.gov/sor_id/search.html or at the NIC Campus Security Office. For further information concerning these laws, NIC crime statistics, or security policies, contact the Campus Security Office.

Safe Campus

Concerning Behavior Report Form

If you are concerned about a student, visitor, or co-worker, please start the conversation.

Working with the Community to Prevent Violence

Campus violence prevention depends on you, the North Idaho College community, to notice and refer potentially worrisome behaviors or situations before they result in harm. A person that receives help sooner, rather than later, may be less likely to experience more severe symptoms or cause harm to self or others. Thus, Safe Campus is a supportive process, not a disciplinary or punitive one.

The purpose of the multi-disciplinary Safe Campus Team is to determine if an individual poses, or may reasonably pose, a threat of violence to self, others, or the North Idaho College community and to intervene to avert the threat and maintain the safety of the situation. The team responds to behaviors exhibited by students, employees, visitors, and non-affiliated persons prior to a critical incident in an attempt to prevent violence so that the North Idaho College campus remains a safe and secure working and learning environment.

The Safe Campus depends of the referrals of the community – students, faculty, staff, and visitors – to keep North Idaho College a safe and enriching campus for all who live, study, and work here. Behaviors do not necessarily have to be law violations to be worrisome. In addition to illegal conduct such as threats, assault and harassment, Safe Campus may also evaluate changing circumstances or behaviors that may singularly or in combination generate concern.  The Team evaluates all referrals seriously, though not all behaviors warrant further case management at that time.

Doing Your Part

There are many behaviors and circumstances that may indicate an increasing risk for violence, significant disruption to others, or that a person needs assistance.  The significance of any one behavior or circumstance is often difficult to determine. Therefore, the threat assessment process is designed to review the situation in context of all of the facts that can be known.

Following are examples of behaviors and circumstances, from each of the primary factors, that may serve as indicators of developing concerns. These examples are meant to help you identify potential concerns during your daily interactions with others. These examples are NOT all-inclusive and this information is not intended to be used as a checklist.
If you are aware of a situation that has indicators of concern like the ones listed below, please share what you know with the Threat Assessment Team, Campus Security, or 911, depending on the severity of the actions.

Some behaviors exhibited by subjects who may escalate to disruptive or violent actions:

Attempts to harm or kill self
Unexplained increases in absenteeism
Decreased performance in work or academics
Reaction to changes in policies/procedures
Extreme or sudden changes in behaviors
Numerous conflicts with others
Difficulty learning from past behaviors or experiences
Displays paranoia or distrust
Alienates others or isolates self from others
Makes statements indicating approval of use of violence to resolve a problem
Identifies with or idolizes persons who have engaged in violence toward others.

The vulnerabilities of the target

Unclear or inconsistent expectations
Consistency of travel/ movement/ patterns
Denial in the face of a clear threat posed
Passive orientation to safety
Ease of access
An environment that facilitates, permits, or does not discourage violence
Chronic unresolved conflict
High perceived levels of stress
Toleration of aggressive or hostile interactions
Perceived distrust/ devaluing
Existence of pecking order/ cliques

Any precipitating events that may trigger reactions:
Losses (such as):

Job/ Income
Significant other/ relationship
Perceived rejection or injustice
Ostracized by others
Health problems

Note that such precipitating events may be real, perceived, or anticipated by the subject of concern.

Campus Security – Awareness

Safety Awareness and Crime Prevention

It is the goal of North Idaho College to assure that the campus community is conscious of safety and the safety of others. Efforts are coordinated between the Office of Campus Security, Vice President for Student Services, Director of Counseling Services and the Health Services Coordinator to initiate educational programs in the areas of safety awareness and crime prevention. This is accomplished through workshops, seminars, staff meetings, newsletters, orientations, and pamphlets that target different areas of concern. Areas include, but are not limited to, personal property security, vehicle safety, alcohol and drug awareness, personal safety, and rape and acquaintance rape prevention. NIC also offers these crime prevention services:

Be Aware

NIC takes many common-sense precautions for safety and expects students and staff to do the same. The vast majority of incidents on campuses at large can be avoided if students and staff recognize that they can become victims and take basic precautions. NIC realizes the key to preventing crime is awareness, which is best achieved through education and efforts which encourage the reporting of any suspicious activity.

In compliance with the 2002 amendment to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Statistics Act of 1998, NIC is required to provide students and staff with information regarding where law enforcement agency information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. The State of Idaho maintains a database which is available to the public at the following website: http://www.isp.idaho.gov/sor_id/search.html.


As part of our commitment to your safety, North Idaho College Campus Security and the Green Dot Violence Prevention Program have implemented SafeWalk.

SafeWalk is a free service for students, employees and visitors who wish to be escorted anywhere on the NIC campus, including surrounding parking lots and along Rosenberry Drive.

For SafeWalk service, just call Campus Security at (208) 769-3310, and a uniformed security officer will meet you and accompany you on foot to your destination.

  • Always free
  • No questions asked
  • Available 24/7, year-round

Blue Light Phones

North Idaho College has installed special telephones at multiple outdoor locations in academic and housing areas on campus that are connected directly to the NIC Campus Security. There is no need for money, or to dial a number. These phones can be located by a blue light and sign with the word: “EMERGENCY.” Press the red rectangular button to talk to Campus Security staff.

General Safety Tips

  • Add Campus Security to your phone’s contact list, that number is 208-769-3310 and is answered 24/7.
  • Plan ahead and go with friends to and from events and activities.
  • Walk with friends or a group, especially in hours of darkness.
  • Walk in well-lit areas and stick to sidewalks.
  • Be intentionally aware while walking.
    • Pay attention to your surroundings using all of your senses. That means no distractions by iPods, smartphones, and headphones.
    • Plan your route and scan for available escape routes in case you need them.
    • Actively note the locations of emergency call boxes along your route.
    • Use your intuition-if a situation doesn’t feel right, leave the area.

A Note About Orders of Protection

If you have an active order of protection and are concerned about your personal safety as you move through NIC affiliated properties, please contact Campus Security to visit with an officer about how we can best address your concerns and safety needs.

Emergency Alert Sign Up

North Idaho College utilizes our alert system to notify students, employees, and community members in the event of an emergency.

To update your information if you are a current student:

  1. Log in to the MyNIC portal
  2. Search for contact information and select the “Contact Information” tile or icon
  3. Scroll down to ensure your phone number is listed as “Cell Phone” if you want to receive emergency text messages in addition to emergency emails

If you are not a current NIC student but still would like to receive NIC Emergency Alerts:

  • Text #nicalerts to (208) 449-1272 from any mobile device
  • Or complete the online form: nic.edu/InformaCast

For assistance with signing up, contact the IT Help Desk at
(208) 769-3280 or at nic.edu/it.

Campus Security – Policies

Dangerous Weapons Policy

7.04.01 Weapons on College Property

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs

North Idaho College is committed to maintaining an environment of teaching and learning that is free of illicit drugs and alcohol. The College prohibits illegal possession, consumption, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol and drugs by students and staff in College owned, leased or operated facilities and on campus grounds. Individuals who violate College policies, city ordinances, state, or federal laws may be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. Student sanctions, as detailed in the Student Code of Conduct, may include warning, censure, fines, disqualification, suspension, expulsion, restitution, as well as required attendance at educational programs.

Students and staff should be aware that drug and alcohol education counseling and assistance are available through Human Resources, or the Student Services Counseling and Health Services.

For a complete copy of the NIC Drug and Alcohol Policy, contact Human Resources.

Sexual Assault and Harassment

Title IX and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. § 106.31 (a), provide that no person shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by the university.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion or other sexual misconduct.

Sexual harassment of a student can deny or limit, on the basis of sex, the student’s ability to participate in or to receive benefits, services, or opportunities in the school’s program.

Any student, faculty or staff member with questions or concerns about sex discrimination or sexual harassment or who believes that he or she has been the victim of sex discrimination or sexual harassment may contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance. The Title IX Coordinator is available to discuss options, explain college policies and procedures, and provide education on relevant issues.

Title IX complaints involving student complainants and student respondents will be referred to the Title IX Coordinator for investigation and shall be subject to the STUDENT CONDUCT CODE.

The Title IX Coordinator for North Idaho College is:

Alex Harris
Office: Edminster Student Union Building 200E
Phone: (208) 769-5970 / (208) 676-7156
Email: alex.harris@nic.edu


2024/25 Faculty Handbook - North Idaho College Copyright © 2022 by alhasz. All Rights Reserved.