8 Recording Attendance

Faculty are responsible for accurately reporting attendance.

Drop for Non-Attendance

Students must attend at least one class session for in-person classes or submit an assignment for online classes to be counted as attending. The attendance period for full-length fall and spring courses is the first two weeks. The attendance period for late start, short term, and summer courses is the first week. Attendance is required to be reported for all sections you teach in Self Service Faculty. For directions on how to submit attendance, review the Faculty Attendance Tutorial.

Accurate attendance reporting is essential to North Idaho College operations. Inaccurate reporting can affect a student’s Financial Aid, Veteran’s benefits, and registration for future terms. Inaccuracies can also cause a student’s account being erroneously forwarded to a collection agency.

Contact the Registrar’s Office at (208) 769-4056 if you have questions.


2024/25 Faculty Handbook - North Idaho College Copyright © 2022 by alhasz. All Rights Reserved.

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