32 Faculty Leave Summary

Faculty contracts are typically 171 duty days, or the equivalent to 34.2 weeks per year of five (5), eight (8) hour working days a week. Time away from contract days, if not taken as approved personal days, for medical (which must be documented by a physician for an absence longer than 3 consecutive days) or other approved leave, will be considered leave without pay.

Personal Leave – Full-time faculty positions are entitled to two (2) days of paid personal leave for each academic year. See policy for additional information.

Use of personal days must be formally requested in writing through the appropriate division chair and then communicated to the appropriate dean.  The request must include provision for either coverage of the class or another arrangement that is agreed to by the division chair for students to be productively engaged in learning related to the class, however delivered (face-to-face, internet, hybrid, IVC, lab, etc.)

Sick Leave – Nine (9) days per year for full-time faculty and prorated for other benefit eligible positions. See policy 3.04.01 for additional information.

Parental Leave – Parental leave shall be provided with the ability to utilize sick leave to care for a sick child. See policy 3.04.01 for additional information.

Grandparental Leave – Grandparental leave shall be provided with the ability to utilize sick leave to care for a sick grandchild or the birth of a grandchild (for up to five days). See policy 3.04.01 for additional information.

Bereavement Leave – Up to five (5) days per family member. See policy for additional information.

Jury Duty and Court Leave – Employee summoned for jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness before a court of competent jurisdiction or as a witness in a proceeding where the employee is not personally involved in the action as the Plaintiff, the Defendant, or the object of the investigation. Pay continues without impacting annual or personal leave. See policy 3.04.04 for additional information.

Military Leave – Pursuant to the Unified Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA”). Pay continues for 15 days without impacting annual or personal leave. See policy 3.04.05 for additional information.

Leave Without Pay – Considered on an individual basis. See policy 3.04.06 for additional information.

Sabbatical Leave for Faculty – Available to faculty that have completed seven (7) full academic years of service. See policy 3.04.08 for additional information.

Family Medical Leave – Provides eligible employees up to 12 weeks or 480 hours of unpaid protected leave in a rolling 12-month period. See policy 3.04.09 for additional information.

Worker’s Compensation – Time loss due to a reported work related injury or illness. Pay continues for five (5) days without impacting annual or personal leave. After initial five (5) days then worker’s compensation pays the employee 67% of their pay and they can use available sick leave for 33%.


2024/25 Faculty Handbook - North Idaho College Copyright © 2022 by alhasz. All Rights Reserved.

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