
12 Guidelines for Directed and Independent Studies

Directed Studies

Introduction: If you are planning to offer a Directed Study course, please read and follow the guidelines listed below.


  1. A directed study affords a student with the opportunity to study/enroll in a course already listed in the College catalog but not scheduled to be offered during a particular semester. Because this is a replacement for a regular course offering, the course content and outcomes must be equivalent. NOTE: A directed study course carries the same course prefix, course number and course credits as listed in the current North Idaho College catalog.
  2. The student and the supervising instructor must demonstrate a need for offering the course, providing written proof that the course is required for graduation or program purposes, and that taking the course as directed study is the only option available to student.
  3. A directed study course will be based on a written mutual agreement between the student and the evaluating instructor. The following must be attached to the Directed Study form 1. A copy of the syllabus typically used for the course, 2. The basis of student evaluation if modified from typical course expectations. NOTE: Directed Study forms are available online or from the appropriate division chair.
  4. Directed Study courses are subject to approval by the appropriate division chair, the appropriate dean, and the Vice President for Instruction or his/her designee.
  5. Students can take no more than four (4) credits of directed study each semester or summer session. Students can take no more than twelve (12) credits per year including the summer session.
  6. Students must register for a directed study course by the end of the scheduled add/drop period of each semester or summer session.
  7. Students must register for the directed study course before they begin their directed study course work. The student must have weekly meetings (a minimum of 15 meetings per semester) with the supervising instructor. NOTE: These meetings can be face-to-face, online, etc.
  8. The supervising Instructor may supervise no more than a combined total of four (4) directed study and/or independent study students during a given semester or summer session.
  9. Instructors cannot use directed study courses to replace normal contract obligations /workloads. Directed Study courses are paid as a stipend above the instructor’s contracted salary. The stipend is paid according to credit equivalents. The credit equivalents is determined by the total number of students enrolled in the directed study course times the credit equivalents for the course. NOTE: The current rate is $109.00 per credit equivalent.
    • Formula for credit equivalents
      • Lecture: Every hour (50 minute period) = 1 credit equivalent
        (1) Example: 3 hours of lecture per week = 3 credit equivalents
      •  Laboratory: The 1st hour = 1 credit equivalent; every hour after that = 0.5 credit equivalent.
        (1) Example: 3 hours of lab per week = 2 credit equivalents
    • Stipend Payment: Number of students x number of credit equivalents = the total credit equivalents x $109.00 = Stipend Payment
      • Example: 4 students x 3 course credit equivalents = 12 total credit equivalents x $109.00 = $1308.00
  10. Because stipends for directed studies courses are paid as an overload to an instructor’s normal contract, participation by the instructor cannot be required by NIC.


Independent Studies

Independent Study courses are available in most academic disciplines. If you are planning on supervising an Independent Study, please read and follow the guidelines listed below.


  1. Independent Study courses may be sophomore-level or upper-level in content, but all Independent Study courses are designated by the course number 299.
  2. Independent Study courses may include a variety of activities which must be related to a specific discipline or program. The activities will be based upon a mutually written agreement between the student and the supervising instructor. The activities, the outcomes, and the assessments must be outlined on the Independent Study form. NOTE: Independent Study forms are available online for from the appropriate division chair. The following must be attached to the Independent Studies form, 1.
    Course Title, description, and specific requirements, 2. The basis of student evaluation.
  3. Independent Study courses cannot be used to fulfill A.A., A.S. or A.A.S. degree core requirements.
  4. Independent Study courses cannot replace a course requiring in-class participation.
  5. Independent Study courses are open to students who have completed 30 semester credits with a cumulative 3.0 GPA. NOTE: Attach an unofficial transcript to the Independent Study form.
  6. Independent Studies courses are subject to the approval of appropriate division chair, the appropriate dean, and the Vice President for Instruction or his/her designee.
  7. Students can take no more than four (4) credits of independent study each semester or summer session. Students can take no more than twelve (12) credits per year including the summer session.
  8. Students must register for an Independent Study course by the end of the scheduled add/drop period of each semester or summer session.
  9. Students must register for an Independent Study course before they begin their course work. A student must complete thirty (30) hours of independent work per credit. They should have weekly meetings or must meet a minimum of fifteen (15) meetings (once a week) with the supervising instructor. NOTE: These meetings can be face-to-face, online, etc.
  10. The supervising instructor may supervise no more than a combined total of four (4) directed study and/or independent study students during a given semester of summer session.
  11. Instructors cannot use independent study courses to replace normal contract obligations / workloads. Independent Study courses are paid as a stipend above the instructors contracted salary. The stipend is paid according to credit equivalents. The credit equivalents is determined by the total number of students enrolled in the independent study course times the credit equivalents for the course. NOTE: The current rate is $182.00 per credit.
    • Formula for credit equivalents
      • Lecture: Every hour (50 minute period) = 1 credit equivalent
        (1) Example: 3 hours of lecture per week = 3 credit equivalents
      • Laboratory: The 1st hour = 1 credit equivalent; every hour after that = 0.5 credit equivalents.
        (1) Example: 3 hours of lab per week = 2 credit equivalents.
    • Stipend Payment: Number of students x number of credit equivalents = the total credit equivalents x $182.00
      • Example: 4 students x 3 credit equivalents = 12 total credit equivalents x $125.00 = $2,184.00
  12. Because stipends for independent study courses are paid as an overload to an instructor’s normal contract, participation by the instructor cannot be required by NIC.


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