
11 Topic Codes and Instructional Methods

Instructional Method Definitions

Instructional Method Definition Topic Code
Lecture Sections taught face-to-face  (LEC)
Lab Sections taught face-to-face with laboratory instruction (LAB)
Online Sections taught online with no set meeting times (OLINE)
Online Flex Sections taught online with a combination of a set day and time per week for all students and the remaining content online with no set meeting time (OFLEX)
Online Plus Sections taught online with no set meeting times but will require proctored quizzes/exams (OPLUS)
Online Lecture Sections taught online at set days and times (OLEC)
Online Lab Sections taught online with laboratory instruction at set days and times (OLAB)
Hybrid Sections that combines face-to-face and online instruction (HYB)
Hybrid Flex Sections combining rotating face-to-face instruction at set days and times with online instruction not at set days and times (HYBF)
Hybrid Set Sections combining rotating face-to-face instruction at set days and times with online instruction at the same set days and times (HYBS)
Lecture/Lab Sections taught face-to-face in which lecture and lab instruction are delivered at the same time (LL)
Activity Sections where the instructional time is based on a physical activity (ACT)
Orientation Instructional method, in combination with another method, used to orient a student to the course. Primarily used for activity classes (ORT)
Internship Sections held at outside organizations in order for students to gain experience in chosen career (ITR)
Practicum Sections which provide supervised application of previous coursework learned (PRC)
Directed Study A current NIC course which is offered on a case-by-case basis (DIR)
Independent Study A course designated with a 299 number. This is not a course currently offered through NIC. Arrangements on content and instructional method are decided between student and faculty (IND)



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